Gracie had a soccer game Saturday morning then we headed out to the Summit for some fall shopping. Gracie's team, the Kickers, are pretty good. We have tied one game and won three. Only 2 more to go and the season will be over. So, at the Summit we started at Gymboree then went to Pottery Barn Kids. Now my kids love Pottery Barn! It's one of their favorite stores. So it's not unusual for us to spend an hour playing. Even though we have the same toys at home. As soon as we walked in Cole spotted the Shark costume. Cole loves sharks. We have shark toys, books, shows(Kenny the Shark), etc. He put the costume on and didn't take it off. Cole is my sensitive kid. A very picky dresser. So for Cole to put this hot heavy costume on and run around the Summit (an outdoor mall) on a warm day is quit shocking. He was precious! We had cars stopping to look. He differently made people smile. I just had to post his pics since we don't know if he will actually wear it on Halloween. You never know what a 3 year old will do.

Daddy's Girls

Big Brother

Walking on the beach


Cole in the sand

Ellis playing in the sand

Monday, September 29, 2008
Shark Attack!!!!
Friday, September 19, 2008
The best brother!
Cole is such an awesome brother to Gracie & Ellis. He is always thinking about them and making them laugh. At school he comes home with 2 items from the treasure chest. One for him and one for Gracie. He always shows me the toy/candy for Gracie that he picked out. Then asks me to put it somewhere special so we wont lose it. When Ellis wakes up Cole is the first one to say Good Morning and rub her little feet. He just can't wait to love on her. We love you Cole!
Posted by Gina Savage at 10:59 AM 1 comments
Saturday, September 6, 2008
Busy Days
September has started off with many activities keeping our crew busy. Gracie and Cole have enjoyed being back in school with there friends. Gracie started in early August. Cole went back this week. Tuesday after school we head to Gracie's dance class. She loves dance! We've been blessed to keep their class together the past 3 years. Ms. Nina has done a great job with our girls. It's so cute to see the girls change and grow up together in class. Thursday afternoons we head to soccer practice at 5:30. Gracie loves that daddy is one of her coaches this year. Cole starts soccer in October. He will play with an indoor league of 3 & 4 year olds. He can't wait! Ellis and I are enjoying some mommy and me time. After a busy summer I couldn't wait to sit and rock my baby. I now realize how fast time goes by. Ellis is a joy! She's my easiest baby by far. When everyone is home she sits back and watches the show. You may hear her cry when she gets hungry but that's about it these days. She's going 6 hours at night. I can actually feel rested most days. We were blessed to have Uncle Brandon and Lisa come for a visit this past month. We love to have visitors! This weekend is full of birthday parties and soccer activities. Life is busy but lovin every minute of it.
Posted by Gina Savage at 9:45 AM 1 comments
Cole's snowball

Big Cole teaching Gracie how to fish

Big Cole & Little Cole exploring


Winter Wonderland

A Wild Crew

Gracie & Allison

Building our snowman

Gracie's snowangel

Uncle Clint & Allison

Happy Birthday Daddy

Love those eyes!

Cole Luke

Playing with Ellis

All smiles with Lisa

All smiles

Go Kickers!

Love those cheeks

Meeting Uncle Brandon

Blog Archive
About Me

- Gina Savage
- I've been married to my best friend Luke for 10 years. God has blessed us with 3 beautiful children. Gracie, Cole, & Ellis are the joy of our life.